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Professional Writer, Director, & Creative Dude
(No, not the late famous comedian. Whose real last name was actually Gladney)

About Me:
I am a Manhattan-born, suburb-raised filmmaker and writer living in Queens. I earned a BS in Film and Television from Boston University in 2008, an MFA in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College in 2018, and completed an MA in Marine Conservation and Policy at Stony Brook University in August 2022. I've worked as a professional writer/editor since 2014 for a wide array of outlets either in-house, as a freelancer, or as a ghostwriter. I also still tackle the occasional film or screenwriting project and never turn down a chance to eat a burrito, travel by boat, or savor some bourbon.
Very accurate sketch of me courtesy of my brother-in-law, Andy. He is not a professional artist if you were wondering.
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